Monday, May 14, 2007

The End is Near

At the moment I am just finishing my final major project ADIYL, a typical day in my life. A few words on my thoughts of the past two years first.

Well what can we say the year is coming to an end at college. I am in the latter stages of the course, only a day or so to go. It’s been good; over the last 2 years I have learnt a hell of a lot about what skills I need to for fill my ambition of Web Designer/ Developer. When I start on the HND in interactive media I wanted to be a Web Designer / Graphic Designer, but I have learnt that my interest lies more with the technical development side of the industry rather than the creative side. It has taken me these two years to admit my mistake of course choice. But not to leave on a sore note by completing the course I have managed to confirm a place at Huddersfield University on their top-up Degree in Multimedia computing.

I have enjoyed the last two years but feel it's time to do something more challenging - Huddersfield University, then who knows Web Development as a full time job. Having got to the end of the course I have finally completed my self learning plan for the course, researching into possible career paths to go down. Leeds University: - New Media Huddersfield University - Multimedia Computing Also I looked into the skills needed to progress my knowledge, if I want to become a web developer or web designer. Having looked at all these possible routes to follow, my six month learning plan got a little left behind; I spent a lot of time trying to get my work done rather that updating the learning plan.

I introduced myself to a couple of online tutorials in which to complete, here is a list of the sites I which I found particularly useful. :- An introduction to CSS layouts and navagation. A site that listed the specifics of CSS, also had links to other articles on CSS Purely CSS, the do's and dont's of CSS, Explaning the Box model.

Also I spent a lot of time looking at possible universities to go to rather than doing what my learning plan actually said. I created the plan to follow through the six months, however this was not the case as every time I sat down to follow the plan, there either was another assignment to do or in my case to go to work. I tried to follow it but other things happen. Adam